Ōtautahi/Christchurch’s wetlands and waterways were formed by a powerful connection between the mountains and the sea. The sea was a plentiful provider of resources for early Māori and a place to be respected. Seafood gathering was a serious undertaking, with specific trips made for seasonal harvesting of various fish, shellfish and seaweed species.
I puta mai ngā kūkūwai me ngā arawai o Ōtautahi nō te hononga kaha ki waenga i ngā maunga me te moana. Ko te moana tētahi tino kete rauemi ki ngā Māori i ngā wā o mua, ā, he wāhi tino whakahirahira. He mahi rangatira te kohi kaimoana, he mahi motuhake mō ngā mahinga kai rerekē, mō ngā momo ika, kaimoana, rimurimu hoki.