Read about Route 7's soon to be faster service.
Read about the planned upgrades taking place at the Aldwins, Ensors and Ferry Roads intersection in January, and how it affects three of our bus routes.
Read about Council's decision around bus fares and how it will be responding to NZTA's private revenue share request.
Read about the full restriction to bike racks, which affects public transport buses across the country.
Read about the temporary night-time bike rack restriction which will be in place from Saturday 2 November 2024.
Read about the Canterbury Regional Council (Environment Canterbury)'s decision on its funding for this cruise ship season.
Read about the roadworks planned for this weekend which are expected to cause delays to services.
Read below about this year's cruise ship season.
Have your say on Environment Canterbury's Regional Public Transport Plan, which is now open for consultation.
Read about Diamond Harbour's new ferry, Black Pearl.
Starting 9 September 2024, long-term roadworks on Clyde Road and Creyke will impact some routes.
Read about Metro's patronage boost in Greater Christchurch.
Read about the 21 new electric vehicles added to our fleet.
Find out the best ways to bus to this year's Winter Fireworks Spectacular.
The trial of Route 87 will conclude after 30 June 2024.
Four Metro buses have been installed with next-stop information.
Read about Metro's new onboard customer support team, which begins this week.
Read about the government's changes to its Community Connect concessions scheme and how it impacts our fares, below.
On 23 and 24 March, Lyttelton will host the New Zealand Sail Grand Prix or “SailGP”. Please check the information below if you use Lyttelton bus/ferry services.
Find out more about our planned service improvements and goal and commitment to transform public transport to meet the needs of more people.
Read about the transport plan for cruise ship passengers this summer season.
Cash is set to be removed as a payment option on the Greater Christchurch Metro Network in 2024.
Metro is pleased to announce, the launch of two new enhanced bus services, Route 8 − Port to Port/Airport to Lyttelton and Route 27 − Northwood to Huntsbury.
Young children aged 5-12 can now travel free on all Metro services when using their Metrocard effective Monday 14 August.
Major service disruptions are expected for Metro buses in Greater Christchurch on Friday 11 August from 9am to 3pm. Please plan ahead.
We’re excited to be launching our new Metro fares from 1 July, which will mean you can travel on any Metro bus in Greater Christchurch for $2 or less.
The Orbiter will return to its original timetable from 3 July, with buses running approximately every 10-minutes between 8am to 6pm on weekdays.
From this coming Monday 8 May, the 1X, 5X and 95X express services will return to normal, and revert to not picking up passengers at non-express stops.
Some Metro services will be disrupted on Friday, 14 April due to a stop-work meeting.
More buses will be provided for the 28 bus route to and from Lyttelton on days when sizeable cruise ships are in port and there is high demand on the service.
One of our operators will hold a stop-work meeting on Wednesday, 15 February which will affect some Metro services.
We are delighted to report that our technology supplier has resolved the issues and the Bus Interchange will reopen as of 4:30pm this afternoon (Monday 23rd).
Half-price fares will continue through until 30 June 2023 following the Government’s extension of half-price public transport fares this week.
Please plan ahead and if you can, consider taking an alternative form of transport to work or school on this day.
The Metro network is currently experiencing disruptions due to driver shortages. Some services are more heavily impacted than others. Keep up to date.
Replacing a car journey with a more active form of transport like bussing, biking or walking can have a lasting impact on you, your wallet, and the environment.
Patronage numbers on Route 87, Metro’s trial commuter bus service between Lincoln, Leeston and Southbridge, remain low.
Exciting new fare changes on the horizon for all Metro customers. From next year, catching the bus around Greater Christchurch will be cheaper for EVERYONE.
Coinciding with opening of international borders on 1 May 2022, we’ll be reducing the cost of cash fares when getting a bus to and from the airport.
With the increasing spread of the Omicron variant, you may be wondering how the current COVID-19 situation might affect our public transport network.
We are delighted to confirm that half-price fares for all of Metro’s bus and ferry services in Greater Christchurch will come into effect on 1 April 2022.
Metro recently raised the child fare age to 18 and under – meaning 18-year-olds are now eligible for child fares.
Metro bus services return to regular weekday timetables
Some Metro services will be affected from 10:30 - 1pm due to annual union meeting this coming Thursday, 25 January 2022.
Headed to Sparks in the park on 22 January? We’re putting on free shuttle buses to provide easy travel to the event.
The New Year is a great time to make changes, even small ones. We've looked into the world’s most common New Year’s resolutions, and how bus travel can help.
Customer feedback shapes Metro route improvements
The popular Orbiter bus route has seven new electric vehicles joining its ranks, as Christchurch’s fleet of electric and low emission vehicles grows.
Public transport in Greater Christchurch during COVID-19
Customers will soon enjoy accurate, real-time arrival information, with data and technology that can integrate with other systems and evolve over time
The planned stop work meeting on Monday 18 October has now been withdrawn and Metro services will be operating as normal.
The Council voted to take to the community a number of potential game-changing options to stimulate the Greater Christchurch public transport system.
We’re doing our bit in the fight against COVID-19 by removing the transport barrier for Canterbury and supporting our residents to get vaccinated.
The service is a partnership between Environment Canterbury, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Christchurch City Council and Waimakariri District Council.
On Monday 26 July, 20 customers travelled into Lincoln on the updated Southbridge timetable.
On Saturday 10 July 2021, special buses are being provided for easy access to and from the Matariki Fireworks event at New Brighton.
Metro timetable, route and name changes being introduced, following earlier changes in September and November 2020.
Waimakariri residents now able to Park and Ride from Rangiora and Kaiapoi to the City.
Metro passengers will see some timetable changes and different buses on some routes from the end of this month as new operator contracts begin.
Buses on route 3 Airport/Sheffield Crescent to Sumner (the old Purple Line), are now running every 10 minutes all day on weekdays.
Metro is taking steps to streamline operations for an easier to use network that encourages more public transport patronage.
From Wednesday 1 July, the price of a Metrocard will be $5, down from $10.
Black Cat Cruises signed the contract for the Diamond Harbour ferry service for 12 years from 2020, completing our public transport procurement process.
Environment Canterbury’s new bus contracts will reduce public transport carbon emissions by 14% within their first year.