Updated Southbridge service up and running

Published 30/07/2021

The first day of the updated trial bus service for Southbridge commuters started bright and early. On Monday 26 July 2021, 20 customers travelled into Lincoln on the updated Southbridge timetable.

The first commuters on the updated Southbridge to Lincoln trial bus service were thanked for their ongoing support and involvement in shaping the new timetable in a way that better meets the needs of the community, with a Metro voucher.  

"The challenge for the community is to get behind the service, so it continues beyond when the trial finishes in June next year," says Customer Experience and Marketing Manager Thomas McNaughton.

"We need bus patronage to increase to an average of 40 passengers total per day for the service to continue past then. The new service provides some new opportunities for travel, so we encourage people to explore their options."

Lincoln - City connection

People at the Leeston meeting The updated Southbridge service now connects with the two Lincoln services travelling into the city, at Lincoln University - the 80 Lincoln - Parklands and the 81 Lincoln - City direct.

In the afternoon there are now two options for customers travelling from Christchurch to Southbridge, catering for both school students and workers.

These changes are a result of a survey in which we received a great response from 149 people. 79% of the respondents preferred the Southbridge to Lincoln option, and 90% of those respondents said that they would use the service more if it connected with Lincoln services.

A community meeting was held in Leeston before the updated service started. This gave the community a chance to hear the survey results and understand how the new connections worked.

The Ellesmere Community Vehicle Trust also attended to talk about the transport options they offer that can fill the gap for transport during the day and weekends.

Advantages of the updated service

Added advantages for the updated 87 Southbridge – Lincoln service includes zone-based fares. This means that commuters will also be able to transfer onto other bus services for free, within two hours of their first bus.

Zone-based fares also give a saving for commuters, especially when they use a Metrocard. A return fare for an adult will now be $9.40 instead of $12 on the previous Southbridge - City trial service.

Metrocards can be purchased online and the "automatic top-up" system is simple and saves you having to having to watch your balance on the card.

Next steps

Metro is committed to supporting and encouraging the community to make this service successful.

Reports will be published every two months to ensure that the community is informed about how the service is tracking.

Find out more