Route Updates

Detour for Hereford St road works (from 3/03/2025 until further notice)

From Monday 3rd March there will be road works on Hereford St that will require the Route 742 school service to detour from its usual route until further notice. 

Morning trips travelling towards City/Merivale Schools will follow the normal route along Hereford St, turn right on to Fitzgerald Ave, left on to Gloucester St, left on to Latimer Square West and right on to Hereford St to resume the normal route. 

Afternoon trips travelling towards McCormacks Bay will not be impacted by these works. 

74 Sumner to City & Merivale Schools

These services run Monday – Friday in term time and do not operate on public holidays. Times listed in the timetables are approximate only.

Download printable timetable and map here.

741 Sumner to City / Merivale Schools

Morning trip Mon – Fri
Sumner 7.10AM
Redcliffs 7.23AM
Ferrymead Shops 7.29AM
Linwood Ave (near Kidbrooke St) 7.33AM*
St Margaret's College 8.00AM
Selwyn House 8.01AM
St Andrew's College 8.10AM
Rangi Ruru Girls' School 8.20AM
Afternoon trip Mon – Fri
Selwyn House 3.35PM
St Andrew's College (Normans Rd) 3.40PM
Rangi Ruru Girls' School (Rossall St) 3.46PM
Linwood Park 4.10PM
Ferrymead Shops 4.20PM**
Redcliffs 4.35PM
Sumner 4.50PM

*In the morning the 741 and 742 buses meet on Linwood Ave (opposite Kidbrooke St). Students travelling to Papanui Rd and Rangi Ruru will be transferred on to one bus and students travelling to St Margaret's College, Cathedral Grammar, Christ's College, and Marian College on to the other bus.

742 McCormacks Bay to City / Merivale Schools

Morning trip Mon – Fri
Redcliffs (Main Rd near Wakatu Ave) 7.18AM
McCormacks Bay 7.21AM
Ferrymead Shops 7.27AM
Linwood Ave (near Kidbrooke St) 7.33AM*
Christ's College 7.55AM
Cathedral Grammar 7.56AM
St Margaret's College 8.04AM
Marian College (Northcote Rd near Lydia St) 8.18AM
Afternoon trip M/T/Th/F
Marian College (Northcote Rd near Lydia St) 3.15PM
St Margaret's College (Winchester St) 3.40PM
Cathedral Grammar (Park Terrace) 3.43PM
Christ's College 3.45PM
Linwood Park 4.00PM
Ferrymead Shops 4.10PM**
McCormacks Bay 4.25PM

*In the morning the 741 and 742 buses meet on Linwood Ave (opposite Kidbrooke St). Students travelling to Papanui Rd and Rangi Ruru will be transferred on to one bus and students travelling to St Margaret's College, Cathedral Grammar, Christ's College, and Marian College on to the other bus.

**In the afternoons routes 741 and 742 buses meet at Ferrymead. Students travelling to Sumner will be transferred to 741.

On Wednesday afternoons the 742 will not operate, students travelling home from Christ's College, Cathedral Grammar can use the Route 3 bus service instead. Students from Marian College can use the 1 or Orbiter and the Route 3.

Route map

Download printable timetable and map here.