68 Christchurch Boys' High School & Christchurch Girls' High School

These services run Monday - Friday during school term and do not operate on public holidays. Times listed in the timetables are approximate only.

Download printable timetable and map here.

683 Bus Interchange

Afternoon trip only M, T, Th, F Wed only
Christchurch Girls' High School 2.50pm 2.40pm
Bus Interchange 3.05pm 2.55pm


684 Sumner

Morning trip Mon - Fri
Sumner 7.25am
Main Road (Redcliffs) 7.35am
Ferry Road (Ferrymead) 7.42am
Catholic Cathedral College  8.00am
Bus Interchange 8.05am
Christchurch Girls' High School
(Kilmarnock St)
Christchurch Boys' High School 8.25am


Afternoon trip M, T, Th, F Wed only
Christchurch Boys' High School 3.10pm 2.40pm
Christchurch Girls' High School
(Kilmarnock St)
3.12pm 2.42pm
Bus Interchange 3.27pm 2.57pm
Catholic Cathedral College  3.33pm 3.03pm
Ferry Rd (Ferrymead) 3.45pm 3.15pm
Main Rd (Redcliffs) 3.55pm 3.25pm
Sumner 4.05pm 3.35pm


Route map

Download printable timetable and map here.